One listen and it is clear that Let’s Build an Empire is more than just an alternative rock band. They have found a balance between hard-hitting instruments and concrete yet vulnerable lyrics to create a sound that is so unapologetic that is allows the songs to truly swell.
Hailing from the Netherlands, the band doesn’t let distance stop them from reaching an audience. Fusing together infectious melodies with thick guitar tones and tight rhythm have cemented the band’s dynamic and visceral performance. Their music makes you feel something. Whether it’s the force of the riffs and soundscapes, or the reflection of the lyrics.
Let’s Build an Empire is for lovers of dynamic and energic rock music with lyrics that connect. It is also for people that want to be transported somewhere while still walking away humming the infectious hooks of the songs. This balance is what makes this band excel. No doubt it is a matter of time before this band is being blasted at high volumes on long drives in any direction.
“De Dag van de Muziek” is HET grootste amateur muziekfestival van Europa met zijn 20 podia en ruim 1800 deelnemers! Het evenement biedt amateur musici en –dansers de gelegenheid om zich te presenteren aan een breed publiek en zo belangstelling te wekken van potentiële nieuwe leden.
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